Discovery of the first definitive record of avian-like sleeping behavior in an alvarezsaurid dinosaur, Jaculinykus yaruui (life restoration: Seiji Yamamoto)

Press release (In Japanese), November 2023 / PDF link

–Newspapers, Magazines, and others–

Coverage  on Kubo et al.(2023) about the discovery of Jaculinykus yaruui

"Dinosaur from newfound species died in a pose that sheds light on evolution of bird behavior"

Coverage on Kubo et al.(2023) about the discovery of Jaculinykus yaruui

"New species of big-thumbed dinosaur discovered in Mongolia"

Coverage on Kubo et al.(2023) about the discovery of Jaculinykus yaruui

"'Bizarre' New Dinosaur Species Discovered That Slept Like Today's Birds"

Coverage on Kubo et al. (2023) about the discovery of Jaculinykus yaruui (In Japanese)

"75回 アルバレスサウルス類 鳥類のような寝姿"

Contributed to the preface about Kubo et al.(2023) (in Japanese). 


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